Here's 4 reasons why mountain biking in the winter is still rad

Here's 4 reasons why mountain biking in the winter is still rad

Winter might technically be here, but we're still waiting on the snow to settle before we can hit the slopes, so what do we do whilst we wait? Bike of course.

Now, you might be thinking, "Mountain biking in winter? Isn't that reserved for summer?" Think again!

While Bike Glendhu may be taking a break for the winter, fear not! There's an array of incredible local trails that are open all season long, ready to satisfy your adrenaline cravings.

Here's why we'll be riding all winter long;

1.  The thrill of the conditions keeps mountain biking fresh! Those puddles, mud and patches of frost give another element of adrenaline. Remember to clean and maintain your bike after each ride to keep it in tip top condition.

2. It's a great excuse to grab yourself some new kit, like bike lights and warmer layers. What's better than a new excuse to expand your gear cupboard?

3. Variety is the spice of life. Mountain biking is a great complimentary sport to skiing and boarding. When the snow isn't too good, or you want to escape the crowds, the bike trails will bring you the change you're looking for.

4. Great riders are made in the winter. Reading through all the seasons is a good way to improve your technique and confidence, and is an easy way to get the milage in.

5. Give night riding a go! It makes easier trails more exciting.

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