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Lowa Active Creme

Lowa Active Creme

Regular price $17.99
Regular price $19.99 Sale price $17.99 10% OFF Sold out
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The new LOWA ACTIVE CREME is the ideal colourless intensive wax care for all leisure shoes as well as climbing and hiking boots.
It keeps the leather supple over the long term and prevents drying out and brittleness when used regularly. In combination with LOWA WATER STOP PRO, this is the perfect protection for your LOWA shoes. Best of all, LOWA ACTIVE CREME contains no PFC.
TIP: Apply more in the forefoot / flex zone area & brush away any excess. It is like lubricating a door hinge.
NOTE: DO NOT use care products containing: beeswax, animal fats and petroleum oils e.g. Dubbin, Neatsfoot Oil, Mink Oil and Sno-Seal, etc.
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